Just as we shouldn't waste water that flows in a stream, we shouldn't waste the stream of time that seems so abundant today but will eventually dry up tomorrow...
2 teacher-student analogies of Imam Ghazali in his Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din:
1. A teacher is like a stamp to clay and a student is like clay. If the stamp has no character, there is no impression on clay.
2. A teacher is like a cane and the student is like the shadow of the cane. How can the shadow of the cane be straight when the cane itself is crooked?
Imam Yusuf (ra) says: "If Kings knew the pleasure we(referring to Ulama) get of reading Kitaabs(books), they would give away their Kingdoms"( Hashiya of tafseer Uthmani) Explanantion: Knowledge is very dear and valuable in the eyes of the ulama.The pleasure they feel from reading, learning and studying is unexplainable and it is such that if the kings were to ever feel this pleasure and love of reading, learning knowledge etc , then they would forfeit their kingdoms for it.